Last week marked the end of an era.... I will miss the comfort of having these people in my life.
Patti "Queen of the Lab", Darling Anna Weiner, Todd Lonny, Lynne "cries about Draper", Ursula and her itchy you know what, Karin R. and our political companionship, Shaun with the quick, quirky wit, who loves karaoke and eyeliner, Juli the smartest and most accepting, Heather my innocent, unexpected friend, Brenden ...words cannot say, KatieBug, Wendy the registrar, Penny, someone in the closet, a few who are mean, Connie the mother, Dave the leader, Malin and his burrito, Alex a girl with a beard, Graveyard Jeannie, Creepywhisper Ati, Dancing With The Stars Carl, Emily, Gayle, Alicia, and too many who have come and gone over the last 12 years.........
Thank you for being a part of my life!
What a great idea for a CW blog!! I miss CW so much, and everyone else I have talked to misses it as well! As for me, I am working at LDS now. I actually was dreading the fact that I had to come here, but I really like it a lot. I mean, it is no CW...but there are cool guys who work here! Plus, BJ, Spencer, and Ursula work here too! So that is cool!! One of my favorite stories of CW happened the last week it was open...when an ornery old nurse from the surgical center came down to the lab and started yelling at us, Shannon was quick to respond. She accused us of always 'losing' specimens,and she said that we better make sure that no one steals the specimens (she had brought down a gallbladder and a mole, or something like that), etc. Well, I loved it when Shannon said, 'why would someone steal it? So they can eat it!?!' :) The nurse was flabbergasted!! GO SHANNON!!!
Oh, Shanny Bananny. Everyone is gonna read that I itch my "you know what" and they are gonna assume it's my choch! So to all of you reading this, know that it was my BUTTHOLE that I itched! And don't act like you have never done it... even you Shannon! :) I can't believe you said that about Alex!! What if she reads this, you naughty girl! I laughed so hard when I read about May and his burrito too. (Lick!) I miss you and all of our family at Cottonwood terribly! I love love love your blog and will check it constantly. I need my Banana fix. :) I love you so much and I miss you!
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