Friday, November 9, 2007

My New Job

Ok...I have officially completed the first two weeks at my new job. Actually the same job, just a new location, new people, new it's like a new job. And I have discovered a few things about myself during this transition:

I am nice to new people
I am grateful for anyone who is nice to new people
I think most people are weird or ugly (until you get to know them personally)
If I smile all day I can pretend I like what I am doing
And maybe, I might not hate this new place

I talked to my friend Heather about how she is doing at her new job. I thought it was interesting she seemed a little reluctant to admit she was starting to like it there, and I thought, 'life goes on and people move on'. I guess that is how it should be.
As much as I wanted her to miss the old days forever, right along side me, I was happy she was moving on to a new time in her life. She was embracing it. Not bad a bad thing, healthy actually, but still a little hard.
And so I have decided, I will open up to the possibility that these new faces could actually become friends of mine someday, and I might not need to pretend things are Ok, they may actually turn out to be better than I thought they could be. So I will stop thinking each new person is strange and look at them with possibility.
So thank you Heather, for unknowingly giving me a nudge in the right direction ,and thanks Brendan for teaching me not to waste five years waiting to be friends.


Anonymous said...

It was sweet to read your blog. I do like it at LDS, but I LOVE Cottonwood. I am having a hard time as well....I have made new friends here, but no one will ever mean as much to me as you do! You are my best friend!
Love you!

Anna said...

Hehehe you are a better person than me. I too am trying to really like all the new people. I should remember that I was the new girl for a long time and that it was hard work winning over the fabulous ones like yourself! NOW just so you know its great to make new friends but do NOT forget the ones you love best!! :)
Love ya!
ps- laughed for a good few minutes about the people are wierd or ugly tell I get to know them line. :)

Anna said...

shannon... I need more!! post again darn it!! :)