Friday, February 15, 2008


Something about the color pink is so scrumptious to me. It goes beyond the normal, "What's your favorite color?" feeling. I mean, I love the color pink. I want to look at it, own it, lick it, squeeze it, touch it and eat it. I see a pink something, anything, and I can imaging myself rolling in it or rolling on it.
The little girl clothing section of any store is a problem. I don't necessarily want to buy the pink dresses, but I want to feel them. Just the pink ones.
Pink stationary is almost more exciting to me than Valentine's Day. Truthfully, when I see pink stationary, I want to lick it. I would love to have a room dedicated to all pink paper. Tissue, wrapping, writing and card stock. All kinds, every kind, as long as it is pink. In all shades and patterns. Just pink.
I feel happy when I think of myself in my pretend pink paper room, with pretty pink wallpaper and a comfy pink chair, with pink sheer drapes fluttering in the breeze, sipping pink lemon aid and writing with a pink ink pen! Serious JOY. The butterfly kind of happiness.
There is one thing above all, that drives my love of pink to beyond normalcy. Pink sugar cookies. Oh...My...gosh. Words cannot describe the love I have for the fluffy, pink, frosted bits of heaven. I want plates of them. Tier upon tier, layer upon layer of beautiful pink frosted cookies! I think the smell of pink is a frosted sugar cookie. And the best part is, I get to EAT them! I see the pink, I enjoy the wondrous pink color, I smell the sugary pink scent and then I get to lick it!
yes.. yes.... Yes....Yes.. YES!YES! That is seriously what I am thinking while I eat one.
Oh, how I love the pink sugar cookies. Thank you Valentine's Day.


Amber Kelly said...

You need a therapist, try Paul Brandt 944-0944. He is awesome!!!!

Heather Childs aka Habbs said...

I love the color pink too! Maybe not as much as you do though... :) So they gave out those pink sugar cookies for V-day at LDS, and I totally thought of you!! I wanted to take a few of them, so that I could bring them to you! Too bad the guy wouldn't give me extra....

Anna said...

I ate 3 pink sugar cookies today! Mmm me love em too! I am glad that Valentines at least brought me some kind of love....its just in the form of cookies. ;)

Jenny and Jon said...

It's nice to know there'e someone who loves pink as much as me. Did you see my wedding pictures. Oh and the sugar cookies with the pink frosting, my favorite!