The two male children I live with (Dustin and Kyler) have begun to show signs of addiction. Dustin is experiencing an unnatural need to engage in conversations involving the word
nun- chuck and Kyler is suffering from achy shoulders and stiff elbows (elbows apparently can get stiff).
Although I feel superior to actually hopping, jumping and looking like an idiot while playing an actual game, I have a slight compulsion to create mini Wii people. Mini Wii people whom have resemblances to family and friends. Therein lies my problem. I feel happily guilty analyzing each facial feature and exploiting the imperfections of people I love. I feel exhilaration creating a miniature, bald brother and a slightly pinched and angry looking sister. I have mastered the double chin effect for my own personal Wii and the wrinkled, no- eye look, for my dear old grandmother. (I show no mercy) .
I can artistically portray the bulbous nosed and meager lipped friend,whilst capturing the joyous retardness of a young neighbor child.
I know it sounds mean. That's why it's a problem.

I think Wii is an epidemic. We played on New Years Eve and I am embarrassed to say that I had a sore arms for two days after.
About your addiction... The first step is admitting to a problem.
More importantly- I hope that you are working on a Wii Lab. When you "create" me please be sure to include my flat chest, adult acne, and fake blonde hair. :) hahahahahah You kill me. Serious your blog puts me in a happy place. love you!!
Ha Ha, I have to say that I enjoy reading your blog more than anyone elses. Jon and I have a guitar hereo problem.We had guitar hero 2 and I bought Jon guitar hero 3 for christmas. SO now we have two guitars and can play at the same time.I'm becoming addicted to guitar hero.I play until my neck muscles tense up and my fingers hurt.I just want to hit every note.A co-worker told me why don't you learn to play a real instrument.He's got a point.
You sooo better not have done me....and if you did, I wanna be a supermodel :):) Thanks!
So shannon, I have finally figures this blog thing least enough to do more than just look and laugh at them!!! I love looking at yours and seeing what you are up to!! Unfortunatly I have not blog, cus there is nothing that interesting in my life to blog this will have to do for now!! Did I mention that I love you!!! Sarbear
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