Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Words Cannot Describe...

Holy mac(pause)aroli.....
Need I say more?
I believe that sums it up.


Anna said...

EXPLAIN!!Whats holy mac aroli??!?!

Heather Childs aka Habbs said...

I know that you are way stressed, but you are SOOOO perfect for that job!! When I saw you today I thought, "Wow! Look at her!! She is a businesswoman now!!" I think that things will slow down once you get the hang of things. And maybe one day, you will be able to hire a nurse/secretary/personal assistant and I will work for you! :)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that Heather is toooo nice! I will be honest and say to you "what the f___ were you thinking?" Are you out of your cotton pickin' freakin mind? I thought that you were going to abort and forget about this whole pregnancy thing, and now you are here with this jacked up pain in the ass kid that you are not even sure you wanted in the first place (are we talking about you or me here)LOL! Well, now that you have gone ahead and done the deed, you will do as you always do and kick ass at it :0) I am just hoping and praying that the first time you get to fire someones dumb ass that I get to hear allllllll about (although, I know that is against policy and will NEVER happen) See you soon Boss lady!

Anna said...

ok shan... For some reason I thought this "holy (mac) aroli" was infact a love for mac... as in mac and cheese. hahahaha There is no way I could think that you were referring to your job. You are doing a great job. And I agree with Heather... you look so professional and I have all the confidence in the world in you!

***Next time you are describing something that isnt related to food could you please refrain from using words that make me think of food? It confuses my one track mind. ;)